Friday, April 29, 2011

Just a day

Today I have found I lost 5 more pounds I'm very excited about that. keeping it up is the main thing need to get this weight off so I feel better. I am worried about my blood pressure and health.
It seems I am to sensitive when it comes to my girls. I don't want to offend them and feel like I do if I am myself sometimes. you know when I joke around or something like that. I don't know just one of those days I guess. Have been looking at dresses and hats for Andreas wedding. it is going to be such a wonderful event in our lives I am really looking forward to her big day. well the two big days in her life this year. one becoming a mother and one walking down the isle. what a year this will be. Miss Autumn Charlotte Eckart will be born in July and we can not wait to meet her. I'm tiered today and my knees hurt really bad. Josh is coming home tomorrow and will be able to help me with some of the things around here. It will be very nice to have help. I know he would rather stay in Montana but I really need his help. I hope I can find away to help him with his ticket and his vet bill. well until another day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Add ImageGetting ready to go to Texas to help Carol move back home. Ive never been to New Mexico and it has always been one of my dream places to visit. so for 1 hr I will see the sunset in Albuquerque NM. then its off to Huston. driving back through California and going to Winchester House and the Beach.
The sun is out today and Eddy and the Cruisers are down the way cleaning up all the ants, and worm's. they are having a good time.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

its been a long time

Wow what a couple of years that have gone by. Today I am suppose to be doing home work and I find my mind wanting to just write so here I go. I have graduated with almost Honers ha ha I am proud to almost get there even if by a few points. my AA in Business Administration and a concentration in Medical billing. I have started my BFA concentration in Graphic arts will graduate in January of 2012. Yes I feel it is a bit late to start school but heck why not. I love it and found I'm not to bad at it either. just have to remember not to cram it all in the last few days. Take the stress off and lower the blood pressure.
Someday I think I really need a cup of coffee with my dad. Today is Sunday and we used t o have coffee on Sunday mornings. mom was at church and I new he was free to talk and be himself. I miss him very much and Sundays sometimes I go to the grave and just talk to him. I know he isn't there but it's quiet there and it helps. I clean up every ones grave site in the family and sometimes take flowers.
I have been doing Ancestry stuff on and have gotten in touch with distant cousins giving me and filling in information. It is great fun to read stories of the lives of our ancestors. We missed so much I think being moved over to the coast many of us lost touch to the other dozens and dozens of family. I thought Face book would be a nice way to keep in touch and found it had become another way for company's to make money (the games, advertisements etc) not that I am bashing them or anything I did my time at them as well. I found that I didn't get much done in the things that I really love to do. so I deleted my original account and started fresh. I love to see the pictures of every ones family's and here how every one is doing. you are all so very special to me you have no idea how much I love each and every one of you. and Thank God for putting you all in my life. Oh and If any one would like to contribute to the family tree I would be glad to have to as a guest to ad things such as stories or pictures, make sure I have information correct etc. I really love having help.
For those of you who don't know I live in Cle Elum now we are buying a house. My little farm is full of chickens and to many roosters. lol I tried my hand at Turkeys and they grew to 34-35 lbs yep it was delicious. My Goats Faline and Pogo had to go to another farm to finish growing and become part of their goats. As my barn burned down because of a heat lamp. it is very sad and ugly. I miss them but they are very happy.
Now it is time for spring again and the weather here in the mountain is unpredictable. We see little snow flurries her and there and it is a bit chilly still. I started a few plants inside and have a few more fruit trees to plant this year. I better live long enough for them to bare fruit I can't wait until those little sticks become tree's.
I have procrastinated longed enough today and now I should get some assignments finished.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


This was my weekend to sit with the grand Bug's,This time we went to the park and Maggie went Tresure Hunting she always finds something at the park. Had a good time and road the bikes home his take a while as the little legs are riding Trikes. Jewel followed and she is even slower being 15years old she followed 1/2 way and then waited for us to come back and pick her up its a good thing we didn't choose another way home! Silly old dog. She saw us coming back and got up waging her tail when I sent Maggie on ahead to see if it was really her. As I didn't have my glasses on. so got home and Maggie and I made home maid Lasange and Cookie's. "Where is the cookie dough Nonie?" Now I know her mother knows how to make cookies from scratch but Maggie was looking all over for the dough in the package. so dinner first and then the adventure of cookie making with a three and two year old. OH LORD. what fun we had. Rowen He ate more Dough than helping Yum Yum he would say as he put the finger full in his mouth. and Maggie had to do it all I just couldn't get the ingredients to her fast enough. I think it was the fastest I ever made chocolet cookies! All in all we had a very tiered Nonie at the end of the Day and the funny thing is Pappy was the one Yawning.
Well we moved the great Hillis Pumpkin and it took both Tom and Josh to move it. Next year we will grow it on a moving dolly. the kids and We got our picture taken with it in the mighty pumpkin patch. With the vines of one seed growing to the pacific northwest we think. For those of you who ever want to try a giant pumpkin make sure you have a big spot one seed grows about 15 feet allaround. Roseannes father (83) asked her if we where growing the attack garden of pumkins as he is fighting it off with his cane. truly looked like the little shop of horror,s back there.
Every one has told her her yard has never looked so good. I worked hard to make it beautiful for her and the butterfly shaped garden is full and has the most beautiful colors. This was a tribute garden for her mother a few years ago.For those of you who don't know Roseanne is my friend who is dissabled and I work for as a caregiver. we also shared a garden this year. her way of getting me to do hers.
Rowen was looking at a grasshopper today and touched the back as it JUMPED again and again. He would laugh and laugh. Its the small that take us back to the simple things that create happy hearts. just to here the laughter of a Boy teasing a grasshopper And a little girl squeeling as the bee's buzzz by her ear. Happy thoughts to all of you ,Until the next adventure ,Love to all.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

As summer comes to an end and Fall quickly approaches the days are cooler and the nights even cooler still. the Tomatoes are trying to hang on and continue to turn. I've canned 16 quarts already. and still more to come. the way things are going its a good thing we like green tomato relish. also known as chow chow. Isn't it funny how we work so hard to make the garden s full and then just as they are in there fullest the weather changes and before we know it a new season is here and its time to clean it all up for next time. I Have volunteer sunflowers that have filled our garden and the birds and bees are in Heaven. they sit on the tops of the flower and devourer the seeds upside down and sideways. right know we have baby wood peckers that have discovered them it is quite the sight to watch. (pictures to come) We had corn this year so sweet and good Maggie and Rowen help shuck it for dinner. they had so much fun. and enjoyed eating it to.